Monday, 9 June 2014

A very special gift for a very special dad

Father’s Day craft ideas
disgustipado, Flickr
 A father is a special figure in every child’s life – he is his son’s favourite superhero and his daughter’s most fearsome protector. The love between a dad and his child can be witnessed in a thousand small gestures – it’s in the utmost trust in his daughter’s eyes when she reaches up to him to be carried, it’s in his son’s boisterous laughter while sitting on top of his broad shoulders, even in the quiet strength he offers when he gets up in the middle of the night to soothe nightmares so you can have a few more hours of precious rest.
Dads are often the pillars holding us and our homes stable. As the famous saying goes, anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad. So this Father’s Day take the time to prepare something special for your special man. Even better, let your kids actively participate in the preparations so they can also show their love.

Here are a few crafty gift ideas:
1. Handmade cards
Why not take the tradition of gifting cards a step further and create personal customized cards for your own daddy?

Or design this super cool and super easy superhero face mask. All you need is coloured paper (or you could use colourful markers), tacky glue and an elastic cord. To make it even better, have your kids write something on the back of the mask.

2. Collage me this
If you feel like spending more time preparing gifts, why not design a fun collage? You can use old pictures but if you want to let your creative flare free, why not have your kids make signs of I love dad because.. and do a fun photo shoot?

3. A little something for the working dad
If you want your special man to carry your gift with him throughout the day - make it work-related! A fun decorated pencil holder or a handmade cup holder for the office workers, a colourful car wash or tool kit for those preferring to get their hands dirty.
For details on how to prepare these little gifts and for more fun ideas check out our Pinterest board, follow us on Twitter or visit us on Facebook.

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